Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Breyerfest 2k17

Breyerfest 2017 has now come and gone...
Emma and her mom picked up my mom and I and we carpooled up with them, special thanks to Amy for driving over 1,700 miles to get us there and back safely!!

It was only my second year going, but it was 10x better than last year. I met so many awesome people,
I made friends, both two and four legged.. ;)
Becky wasn't able to come, or was she?
Next year Becky!!!

Emma and I only made it to the Instagram meet for about the last 15 minutes, for some reason we both had the wrong time in our minds! 

The man behind the meet! Huge thanks to Vincent and Elyse for hosting it!
Also got to hang out with Erika a little bit, easily one of my favorite people at Breyerfest!

Smiley tattoo courtesy of Erika 😂
MyFroggyStuff! I've always loved her videos, I met her last year so I had to make sure to get a picture this year.

Pretty sure this guy was my favorite performer, he really upped his game since last year!

The horses in the Best Customs contest were amazing!!

I made it over to the open show for a few minutes, there were some pretty amazing entries, I'm definitely considering showing there in a year or two.

Breyerfest 2017 was a blast,  thank you to everyone who made it special!!